Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes #

08th January, 2022 #


  1. Apurv
  2. Aman Manapure
  3. Siddharth Balayan
  4. Kavisha Seth
  5. Febin Jose
  6. Kumar Ashwin

Mentors - Siddharth Tanna & Setu Parimi


  1. Tanna explain everyone on how to get started with the CNCF Landscape and how to go through each section of it.
  2. Each candidate were given a task to explore about the Container Runtime and different tools included in it (containerd, cri-o, etc.) and Balyan will given presentation on this followed by the discussion with everyone.
  3. Setu presented a very interesting topic on FPE (Format Preserving Encryption), with technical demo and how vaults utilize it so that the sensitive data can be utilized for analytics purposes without giving away the secrets.

16th January, 2022 #


  1. Aman Manapure
  2. Siddharth Balyan
  3. Apurv Tiwari
  4. Swar Shah
  5. Kavisha Seth
  6. Kumar Ashwin

Mentors - Siddharth Tanna & Setu Parimi


  1. Siddharth Balyan has given a session on Container Runtime (containerd).
  2. We will start with Container Orchestration (kubernetes).
    1. Need for container orchestration and the problem that it solves.
    2. Learn about Master and Worker Node components and use Minikube to setup your cluster.
  3. We will start on the first project - Setup an EFK stack along with Container Runtime security with Sysdig Falco.
  4. Adhoc - Aman, Apurv, Kavisha and Swar are researching on Firecracker, WASMEdgeRuntime, etc. and will come up with the documentation by next session.
  5. Ashwin will give a presentation on basics of k8s.